Upper Country Water Improvement District

Usage Rates

Upper Country Water rate structure encourages conservation. If you are a customer who uses less than 10,000 gallons of culinary water each month and have average water usage, you should see no change to your bill for usage charges. The overage rates are listed in the table below. If you are a customer who does use in excess of 100,000 gallons of culinary water per month, you will see a higher increase on your monthly water billing for excessive usage. You will receive written notification on your bill card when the Conservation/Seasonal Peak Usage Fee Schedule is pending implementation to assist you with determining your water usage needs.

Monthly Usage Rates: (Out of Boundary Rate is at 1.5 Times the Rate of District users)

Service Monthly Usage and Fee Schedule:

Gallons Water Used        Usage Charge

0 – 10,000                        $38.00 minimum base rate

10,001 – 60,000               $1.00/1,000 gal. (overage)

60,001 – 100,000             $1.10/1,000 gal. (overage)

100,001 and up                $5.00/1,000 gal. (overage)


Conservation – Seasonal Peak Usage Monthly Usage and Fee Schedule:

The Conservation-Seasonal Peak Usage Rate may be enforced during the months of April through October on an “as needed” implementation.

Gallons Water Used         Usage Charge

0 – 10,000                      $38.00 minimum base rate

10,001 – 60,000             $1.00/1,000 gal. (overage)

60,001 – 100,000           $1.25/1,000 gal. (overage)

100,001 and up              $5.00/1,000 gal. (overage)